In addition to her resume writing and coaching business, Troutman has written and published more than 30 successful books (including multiple editions) on Federal Resume Writing over the last 20 years, becoming the No. 1 Author of Federal resume books and gaining the title, Federal Resume Guru. Her books are regularly recognized as the best in Careers and Reference in competitions for publishers. Kathryn manages the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® / Certified Federal Career Coach®, Ten Steps to a Federal Job® train-the-trainer program - in its 23rd year. More than 1,000 employment specialists have attended to learn how to coach their clients for the best federal resumes! Learn more about the Ten Steps Certification Program:

What’s New with Ten Steps Training

TEN STEPS TO A FEDERAL JOB CERTIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAM What’s new with Ten Steps Training and Federal Employment for 2018? Time to come back and get Recertified ! [button colour=”accent” type=”slightlyroundedarrow” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank”]REGISTER NOW FOR 2018 TEN STEPS CERTIFICATION TRAINING![/button] TEN STEPS CURRICULUM – WHAT’S NEW! New One-Minute Videos that go along with the…

Military Spouses Class at RAF Mildenhall

RAF MILDENHALL, ENGLAND LONDON MORNING CLASS Kathryn Troutman, Federal Resume Guru and Author, Speaker THE STARS ARE LINED UP FOR MILITARY SPOUSES® ON PPP-S AND USAJOBS Free Webinar Top Tips for Military Spouses and Federal Jobs Military Spouse Preference May 11, 12 noon to 12:45 Register here April 11, 2018. RAF Mildenhall. More than 50…

Want an IT Job with IRS? They are Hiring!

By Kathryn Troutman President, The Resume Place, Inc. and Ten Steps to a Federal Job Certification Program Director March 22, 2018 I got an email from Paula Galloway, who is the Schedule A Program Manager at IRS – and who recently won the 2018 Employee of the Year Award from Employment Opportunity Publications! She cares…