Military to Federal Career Guide, 2nd Edition

Federal Resume Writing for Veterans

Kathryn Troutman, Author

Paulina Chen, Editor

Brian Moore, Illustrator


Federal Resume Writing for Veterans

President Obama has created a new program to hire more vets into the federal government. But even if there are more jobs, you STILL have to write a competitive federal resume. This book is designed to help you write a federal resume that will translate your military skills and competencies into the federal skills, keywords and qualifications. The samples are easy to read and understand. All of the case studies include the target announcement, keyword list and the resume that matches. This book is easy to read and follow to write your own federal resume.


Samples are excellent for federal careers

  • Supply, Logistics, Administrative, Human Resources
  • Intelligence, Law Enforcement
  • All grade levels, GS 7 to 13 samples
( 7 reviews)




June 15, 2010


120 pages






Resume Place

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1:  Write Your Military to Federal Resume

Case Study# ! Jeremy Denton / E-5 Helicopter Crew Chief

Cae Study # 2: Bernie Gannon / E-5 Armament Systems Craftsman

Chapter 2: Focus your Federal Resume in the Outline Format

Case Study #3: Ken Smith / Aviation Electronics Technician Second Class

Case Study #4: Marilyn Logan / E-7SFC Readiness Non-Commissioned Officer

Case Study #5: Brandon Billings / E-5 Gunner’s Mate, Small Arms Instructor

Chapter 3:  Understanding Federal Vacancy Announcements:

Finding Keywords and Skills in the Vacancy Announcement

Intelligence Specialist (Operations Support), Joint Activities GG 0132-9/12

Investigative Support Specialist GS 1801-5/7/9/11

Chapter 4:  Search for Federal Jobs

USAJOBS Instructions

Chapter 5:   Apply for Jobs and Track & Follow-Up

Federal Hiring Trail – What Happens to Your Resume

Track and Follow-up on Applications .

Chapter 6:  Interview for a Federal Job

Federal Job Interviews Are Different Each Time.

7 Steps to a Memorable Interview – and Job Offer

General Sample Interview Questions


Webpage with Veteran Sample Resumes:

Federal Resume Samples in USAJOBS/ Outline Format in Word and PDF

26 Military to Federal Resume samples, including Outline Format federal resumes for USAJOBS and other resume builders.

Other resume formats include: paper resume formats, corporate resumes, and job fair resume samples. Read the full list of samples on the following page.

Glossary of Federal Employment Terms

List of Federal Agency Names

List of Federal Occupational Series and Job Titles

Core Competencies for Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and Senior Executive Service

White House Memoradum, 5/11/10, outlining the upcoming changes to the federal hiring system

7 reviews for Military to Federal Career Guide eBook

  1. Anonymous

    I sometimes work with high achieving GS-14 and 15’s in helping them develop their ECQs and I’ve been asked about this book, but didn’t know what to say because I never looked at or read this book.

  2. Anonymous

    I finally purchased it to see how closely the content and approach is to the guidance I give on ECQ writing. It’s right on target and clearly captures the many facets of the SES application process, including cleaning up a resume that one would submit for an SES vacancy and the amount of prep needed to successfully capture past experience to address the ECQs. ECQs are sometimes required need when applying for an SES position as part of the executive screening process of applicants, and they will be required when an applicant is selected for an SES position. Either way clean up is required on the final set of ECQs that go to the OPM QRB if you are selected for the position.

  3. Anonymous

    The exercises in this book center around how best to plan what experiences and accomplishments you should add to your resume or the final ECQs are very good. It would serve the reader well in taking the time to go through the process of pulling up experiences and accomplishments then doing the work to outline and develop content that will either go towards polishing up a resume for a federal executive position, or doing the work needed to properly write and address competencies that make up each of the ECQs.

  4. Anonymous

    I’ve read a lot of ECQs in my time and it would have been helpful for some of the candidates to use this book and the information in it to supplement whatever resources the hiring agency provided. I wish I would have picked this up myself, it would could have certainly helped enhance and better understand what was required and the thought around why it was important to have narratives that matched up with and addressed the ECQ competencies.

  5. Anonymous

    There is no magic formula or quick trick to getting through the application and final selection process into the Senior Executive Service. This book will make the understanding of the process easier. The hard work and time you must devote is worth it in the end when you are approved by the QRB.

  6. Anonymous

    Fantastic guide!

  7. Anonymous

    Great for job prep
    great item for a great price

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