SES ECQ Writing Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to empower all participants to apply for Senior Executive Service (SES) positions. Presented in one-day or two-day sessions, this writing workshop is highly effective for executives who want to feel confident in their personal plan for writing and submitting a successful SES package.

Executive-level writing
Executives are expert, knowledgeable, and experienced, but they still struggle with writing Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs), Technical Qualifications (TQs), and the SES resume for the ultimate promotion in federal government – Senior Executive Service. The New SES Application, 2nd ed, will facilitate their writing of new resumes and ECQ sections in class. Participants will learn a new way of thinking and writing about senior management positions in government and their role in current or future government leadership. Workshops include a 90-minute segment on Executive Plain Language presented by Steve McKenna, PHD.

Unique Top Ten Method
Our SES ECQ Writing Workshop offers a unique approach to the SES application and writing ECQ and TQ statements based on our book, The New SES Application. This copyrighted method focuses on the participants’ Top Ten Accomplishments. Participants write a Top Ten List, map their Top Ten Accomplishments in conjunction with OPM’s 28 Leadership Competencies, and draft their accomplishment stories using OPM’s preferred Context-Challenge-Actions-Result (CCAR) method.

Each SES vacancy announcement is different, and our SES ECQ Writing Workshop covers all potential required formats: the traditional application package with ten-page ECQ narratives following the mandatory CCAR structure and covering the 28 Leadership Competencies; the new five- or eight-page resume-based formats with ECQs and Mandatory Technical Qualifications (MTQs) included or presented in separate narratives; and the new accomplishment record-based format with abbreviated narratives.

In our SES ECQ Writing Workshop, participants will follow our exclusive method to develop SES ECQ packages in response to targeted announcements. Participants will:

  1. Come to class with a written list of their Top Ten List of Accomplishments, prepared prior to the workshop.
  2. Map their Top Ten Accomplishments into the ECQs.
  3. Begin the CCAR writing process with a short 1,500 character version.
  4. Work toward the longer 4,000 character version with more challenges, more actions, more results.
  5. Review the CCAR for the Leadership Competencies that must be visible for the QRB readers.
  6. Write their CCARs using Plain Language and 12-point Times New Roman type with one-inch margins.

Workshop format
Whether delivered virtually or in-person, this course is presented as an interactive workshop in which participants will write and share their drafts with their peers, give and receive feedback, and create a network of supportive contacts. Instructional methods include: in-class exercises focusing on accomplishments; interviewing, brainstorming, writing, and sharing ECQ examples; analysis of announcements for target language; and incorporation of the 28 Leadership Competencies. These methods are designed to help participants recognize and communicate their own unique strengths.

In this engaging course, participants will learn definitions of the 28 SES competencies, how to write accomplishment stories in OPM’s preferred CCAR format, and which types of stories work for each competency. They will complete the course with a clear understanding of the basic expectations of the executive federal resume, including length and style, and how to integrate ECQs into each job block. Participants will learn how TQs differ from ECQs, how to write effective TQs, and how and when resumes and TQs are graded. We will also discuss how to identify and address any gaps in their Top Ten Accomplishments, the top reasons SES packages are rejected, and how to avoid these mistakes.

Key course objectives
We prepare participants to write and submit a successful application to the Senior Executive Service. Participants will:

  • Learn about the SES hiring process.
  • Learn about the history and purpose behind the ECQs.
  • Understand the OPM Qualifications Review Board (QRB) score sheet and how ECQs are scored.
  • Receive instructor feedback and insight about the best executive story-telling techniques.
  • Write and share two CCAR ECQs during the class.
  • Demonstrate in writing the applicant’s decision-making, leadership, and organizational abilities.
  • Create impressive work experience descriptions.
  • Write outstanding profile statements at the executive level.
  • Analyze technical and managerial factors.
  • Understand how to address and write powerful and effective TQs.
  • Create attention-grabbing cover letters for SES application packages.

Preferred classroom format: Virtual training via the Zoom platform
Active participation in chats, interviews, and peer-review workshops is required. The instructor will adapt the curriculum to address participants’ unique needs and concerns and identify class members who may need individual support outside of class.

Course text
Each participant will be required to purchase the course text, The New SES Application, 2nd Edition. The printed book is $21.95 plus $10 for shipping. The PDF version is $21.95.

Course length:One-day or two-day workshops

TRAINING RATES – per 20 attendees:

Additional Attendees will be $274 per person for one day.

  • SES ECQ Writing Workshop one day (one instructor):
    Government Training Rate: $5,486
    Commercial Training Rate: $5,760

*Travel is not included in the Instructor fee.

Evaluation Quotes/Testimonials from SESCDP, VA, April 30-May 1, 2024:

Engaging and Interactive Instructors

  • “Kathryn is very engaging and clearly loves what she does. Good usage of real world examples.”
  • “Kathryn is an expert in this field. Her guidance and advice was spot on and extremely helpful.”
  • “Kathryn’s storytelling and references were great!”
  • “Loved the very direct feedback [from Kathryn]! Especially when reviewing our class examples.”
  • “Steve’s portion [on Executive Plain Language Writing] was extremely compelling and interesting.”
  • “Steve was outstanding. I could have participated in an all-day session focused on his topics.”
  • “Steve was amazing. He was also my writing coach. Great advice on simple writing and focused writing.”
  • “I wish we could have had more time with Steve. I thought I was a solid writer until his class. Loved the examples, especially showing incremental improvements to language – good, better, best! Lots of takeaways, and I feel confident I can significantly improve my ECQs and overall writing following his course.”
  • “I was on the edge of my seat. I was totally engaged. Steve was amazing.”
  • “Nicole was very passionate about her topics, kept my attention.”
  • “Nicole had great references and examples to illustrate her discussion points.”
  • “Nicole was amazing! I appreciated all her feedback on the CCARs.”
  • “Great insights and recommendations [from Nicole]. Very thoughtful and responsive to questions.”
  • “Nicole had a very engaging facilitation style and great insights.”

Relevant Content and Useful Materials

  • “It was a tremendous program. Created lots of new (good) work for me to update ECQ and my resume. Feel so much more confident now. Books are very good after flipping through a few pages.”
  • “I was extremely satisfied with the one-on-one feedback that was given and the practice time that was allotted.
  • “Very useful information shared by Nicole, Steve and Kathryn. I definitely feel I will be able to apply what was shared to improve my ECQs and resume.”
  • “Still have much work to do but now I have the tools required to successfully complete my ECQs and Resume.”
  • “If my package is rejected, I’ll be able to fix things without a lot of stress (except I will be stressed by the nature of getting a package kicked back).”
  • “I had written numerous ECQs, and this program made it abundantly clear where I missed the mark.”
  • “I am leaving with some immediately actionable nuggets that I can apply.”
  • “I feel better prepared.”
  • Writing the New SES Application and The Federal Resume Guidebook are invaluable resources for my use and will also allow me to be helpful in giving advice to others.”
  • “I understand the importance [of Executive Plain Language Writing], but from Steve’s presentation it is clear that this is an art form that will take much practice to perfect!”
  • “I am preparing for an SES interview … Having done a couple of interviews for SES positions, and not been selected, I knew where I failed. I am preparing differently now, I and am comfortable with how to do better.”
  • “I would feel comfortable now doing an interview.”
  • “Very helpful and engaging course. Has definitely improved my understanding of the ECQs and writing skills.”
  • “This could easily be a three-day course, but as is, I’m glad for the time we had and for the very relevant topics, each more useful than the next. This is a must-do course!”