The 5-page SES Resume is the hardest resume to write — on EARTH! You’ll want an experienced SES writer / consultant from The Resume Place on your side for this one. The newest Executive Federal Resume format for SES positions is written in 5 pages, which includes 5 ECQs, Technical Qualifications AND your executive career history as well as a short version of the Context-Challenge-Action-Results Model. TIP: Begin your 5 page SES resume by using our Accomplishment CCAR Builder to write your accomplishments!
The SES Federal Resume is an executive resume that includes the entire work history, education, certifications, plus at least five Leadership Accomplishments. This resume includes:
- Your work history details for the last 10 years with accomplishments
- Keywords from the announcement and from the senior level responsibilities typically required in federal positions: strategic planning, policy development, and leadership development
- Professional profile of expertise and highlights of significant experience for the prior 10 years
- Properly edited and formatted history of education, certifications, honors, awards, and relevant training
- The Executive Federal Resume will be designed based on the announcement instructions: as an Executive Federal Resume or as one of the ECQ Federal Resumes that could be 3 or 5 pages in length.
While most agencies still require the Traditional 10-page format, there is a government-wide trend going in the way of 5-page SES resumes. We can prepare your traditional SES resume as well as convert it into the 5-page SES resume. We will edit your long-version ECQs into 250 words or less and add them into your executive resume.