Senior Executives!
Our text, The New SES Application is used as our text for teaching SES ECQ Writing in federal agencies. This book is invaluable and give examples of executive Top Ten Lists, ECQs and the 5-page SES resume.
To address the 5 Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs), you must write about 2 leadership accomplishments (one page each) for each of the 5 ECQs, resulting in 10 pages total of ECQ writing. We will assist you in selecting accomplishments to match each ECQ and in drafting your narratives in the required OPM format.
The 5 Executive Core Qualifications:
- Leading Change– What have you done to lead change?
- Leading People– How do you lead people?
- Results Driven– What results have you achieved?
- Business Acumen– Business examples include: Information Technology, Human Resources and Financial Management
- Building Coalitions – How have you built coalitions to achieve your mission?
Our Acclaimed Step-by-Step SES ECQ Writing Service
Our experienced senior executive writers will craft the Traditional 10-Page Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) based on your leadership accomplishments within the last 10 years.
The Starting Point: Your Top 10 List of Accomplishments
The entire SES ECQ Writing Service will begin with your Top 10 List of Accomplishments (that you MUST draft) and/or your own first draft of your ECQs if available. These Accomplishments are your most challenging, impressive, and highest leadership accomplishments from the past 10 years. Starting your Top Ten CCAR accomplishments with the RP CCAR Accomplishment Builder. It is a great way to write your stories! Free and Easy! Then we can edit and map the stories into the ECQs.
Mapping Your Top 10 into the ECQ
After your Top 10 is written, your SES writer will review your Accomplishments and map them into the 5 ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, and Building Coalitions. The SES consultant will give you feedback about how the Top 10 will map into the ECQs and advise you on the gaps and your strengths.
Writing the ECQs in the CCAR Format
After the ECQ mapping is completed, your SES writer will review the ECQ accomplishments for the Challenge-Context-Action-Results story-telling formula, which is a mandatory writing style for the ECQs as required by the Quality Review Board of OPM. Our SES writers are experts in the CCAR format and in getting the most comprehensive examples that will match the ECQs.
Analyzing the ECQ Accomplishments Against the 28 Leadership Competencies
After your SES writer coaches you on writing the CCAR formula for each of your Ten Accomplishments, the narratives will be reviewed against the 28 Leadership Competencies to ensure that the accomplishments match the leadership competencies.
This proven step-by-step process allows for your ECQs to be outstanding, targeted for the job you want, and fitting OPM requirements.