In addition to her resume writing and coaching business,
Troutman has written and published more than 30 successful books (including multiple editions) on Federal Resume Writing over the last 20 years, becoming the No. 1 Author of Federal resume books and gaining the title, Federal Resume Guru. Her books are regularly recognized as the best in Careers and Reference in competitions for publishers. Kathryn manages the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® / Certified Federal Career Coach®, Ten Steps to a Federal Job® train-the-trainer program - in its 23rd year. More than 1,000 employment specialists have attended to learn how to coach their clients for the best federal resumes!
Learn more about the Ten Steps Certification Program:
Are you just beginning your next career after your military service? If you were working with a VA for Vet Coach, you have heard that the VA Coach services provided by the contractor SERCO has ended. We are sorry to hear about this valuable FREE service ending for the veterans seeking jobs with the VA…
Now that the drawdown of Afghanistan is finally almost here, it’s time to think about your job search while you are still overseas. Many Americans who are living and working overseas would like to stay overseas and take advantage of the lifestyle and work in other countries. It could help your candidacy for another position…
From Oct. 1 to Oct. 15, 2013, the Presidential Management Fellows application for the program’s Class of 2014 is posted on The entire initial application process, including submission of all necessary documents, must be completed by Oct. 15th. Unless there is an extension because of the furlough. Here is a great webpage with the…
Our Federal Resume is the Gold Standard We strive to make our federal resumes are simply the best that your money can buy. Our federal resumes are backed by: Over 40 years of expert experience Feedback and approval by federal human resources specialists A rigorous process of announcement analysis to ensure consistently excellent results from…
Reposted from June, 2012 Can your spirits be raised to write a better resume by thinking about the morning that Francis Scott Key wrote the poem “Defence of Ft. McHenry” that became the National Anthem? (Mr. Key’s accomplishment would make a great KSA for Ability to Write!) Read his “Star Spangled” KSA » On September…
“The federal resume you submitted to USAJOBS will be electronically scanned for keywords to determine if you are qualified for the position.” You’ve heard that before, right? It is a common myth about the federal job application process – maybe the biggest one. It is, simply, NOT TRUE. The resume you submit through the USAJOBS…
Good news! Your job search expenses may be tax deductible. Here are the top six things the IRS wants you to know about deducting costs related to your job search. 1. IRS: “You can deduct certain expenses you have in looking for a new job in your present occupation, even if you do not get…
Are You Guilty? The Federal Jobseeker and Deflating Questionnaire Responses Almost every position posted on USAJOBS requires a resume, supporting documents, and a completed “self-assessment questionnaire.” Many first-time federal jobseekers are unfamiliar with the questionnaire requirement and express surprise when faced with the daunting prospect of answering extensive, detailed questions about their professional experience. Even…
BREAKING NEWS: Congratulations, if you are invited to the Online Component. We recommend our ALJ Writing Guide to review the 13 ALJ Competencies! We also recommend our Structured Interview practice if you are invited to the Structured Interview component of the ALJ Examination. The federal government has added requirements to the process of applying for…
Are you thinking about applying for the elite SES ranks or for an SES Career Development Program within the next five years? If the answer is yes, then now is the time to start planning! Like in show business, in government there are no “overnight successes.” Instead there can be many unnoticed years of dedicated…