In addition to her resume writing and coaching business,
Troutman has written and published more than 30 successful books (including multiple editions) on Federal Resume Writing over the last 20 years, becoming the No. 1 Author of Federal resume books and gaining the title, Federal Resume Guru. Her books are regularly recognized as the best in Careers and Reference in competitions for publishers. Kathryn manages the Certified Federal Job Search Trainer® / Certified Federal Career Coach®, Ten Steps to a Federal Job® train-the-trainer program - in its 23rd year. More than 1,000 employment specialists have attended to learn how to coach their clients for the best federal resumes!
Learn more about the Ten Steps Certification Program:
Kathryn Troutman, June 2, 2020 In Troubled Times, Student’s Federal Career Guide 4th Edition Leads Grads to Employer Who’s Hiring – That’s Uncle Sam Baltimore, MD; June 2, 2020 – Graduating college during a pandemic is difficult. You have to skip the traditional prom. Plus it can be depressing looking for a job in a…
taught by Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. Posted May 9, 2020 HELLO ! While you are at home working … Take a few minutes to learn about the best Federal resume formats and methods to land a federal job. Learn about Federal COVID-19 positions also. Your instructor will be Kathryn Troutman. Kathryn is known…
By Laura Sheehan, May 7, 2020 Laura is a Ten Steps to a Federal Job Trainer and Coach, a former attorney, and lives in Japan. Here is her best advice for managing your work and life during the Pandemic! Have you ever wanted to change something about your life but it seemed that no matter…
Feds Are Hiring! New Course Highlights Non-Medical COVID-19 Jobs Hello Ten Step Trainers. NEWS ! NEW TRAINING VENUE AND LECTURES FROM KATHRYN FOR TEN STEP TRAINERS AND EVERYONE! I have spent the last six weeks in my house learning Camtasia and creating about 30 Udemy Lectures on resume writing, cover letter and interpreting the COVID-19…
Webinar Classes – May – Sept. 2020 Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Certification April 20, 2020 Kathryn Troutman, Ten Steps Program Director Loyola College, Columbia, MD Class March 11-13, 2020 Certified Federal Job Search Trainers and Certified Federal Career Coaches can help service members, military spouses, civilians, family members land Federal careers, especially with…
USAJOBS COVID-19 ANNOUNCEMENTS – CHECK THEM OUT TOP TIPS FROM CERTIFIED FEDERAL RESUME WRITERS FOR WRITING FEDERAL RESUMES FOR COVID-19 JOBS Watch Kathryn’s YouTube video about COVID-19 jobs The US Government is working hard to support the United States and Worldwide Pandemic. There are new jobs that are available for Federal workers. The application process…
Get Certified to Teach Ten Steps to a Federal Job and The Stars are Lined Up for Military Spouses in 2020! Kathryn K. Troutman, Founder and Program Director April 9, 2020 CFJST / CFCC Class Photo from Eglin AFB, Florida Jan 23, 2020 Ten Steps to a Federal Job, Eglin AFB, Jan 24, 2020 The…
MAY WEBINAR DATES ARE COMING SOON! More Dates in April – Free Webinars taught by Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. Posted April 2, 2020 HELLO ! While you are at home working … Take a few minutes to learn about the best Federal resume formats and methods to land a federal job. Learn about…
Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. March 24, 2020 People all over the world are experiencing the impact of COVID-19. Federal employees and military personnel are not traveling and many are working from home now. Just yesterday, the Office of Management and Budget recommended that all government agencies “minimize face-to-face interactions.” The Resume Place is…
PHOTO ABOVE IS FROM NASA HERA CAMPAIGN 4 Mission 4. Kent Kalogera, Jennifer Yen, Erin Hayward and Gregory Sachs, May 2017 Article by Kathryn Troutman, Federal Career Coach, March 13, 2020 The NASA Astronaut Candidate Announcement is out! Closes 3/31/2020 Upon the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, I remembered one of my most interesting…