The Budget Is In. Here’s Where the Feds Will Be Hiring.

By Kathryn Troutman President, The Resume Place, Inc. & Federal Career Coach™ Director, Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Certification Program February 20, 2018 Like so many presidents before him, Donald Trump has promised to streamline government, in part by trimming the federal workforce. But there are good reasons to believe that Uncle Sam will…

VA Expedites Hiring

VA Expedites Hiring for Occupations with ‘Severe Shortage of Candidates’ By Kathryn Troutman President, The Resume Place, Inc. and Ten Steps to a Federal Job Certification Program Director January 24, 2018 The Department of Veterans Affairs is looking for a few good professionals. This recent article from Government Executive Magazine describes the Expedited Hiring Authority…

Stop Making these Top Federal Resume Mistakes in 2018

Have a Happy New Year and Stop Making these Top Federal Resume Mistakes in 2018 By Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. and Founder Ten Steps to a Federal Job Certified Federal Job Search® Trainer Program BIGGEST MYTH IN FEDERAL RESUME WRITING: Artificial intelligence machines read federal resumes for the qualifications – NOT actual Human…

Federal Enticements to Students and Grads

Federal Employment Programs Offer Enticements to Students and Recent Grads By Kathryn Troutman, RP President The Resume Place, Inc., and Creator and Program Director, Ten Steps to a Federal Job Certification Program Published June 16, 2017 With an aging workforce and hundreds of thousands of retirements looming, the U.S. Civil Service offers many programs designed…

5 Quick Tips for a 5-page Resume-Based SES Application

5 Quick Tips for a 5-page Resume-Based SES Application By Nicole Schultheis, JD, Senior SES Writer / Consultant Resume Place, Inc. June 3, 2024 Nicole Schulthies’ Top Five Tips for your 5-Page Resume-Based SES ECQ Application ONE. Use clear, simple, and direct language. Use first person implied, steer clear of jargon, and replace buzz words…

Top Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing Class

TOP TIPS AND LESSONS LEARNED FROM FEDERAL RESUME WRITING CLASS AT THE HIRING OUR HEROES TRANSITION SUMMIT, FT. BRAGG, APRIL 26, 2017 By Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. Left to Right – Daniel Serrano, Ten Steps Trainer; Kathryn Troutman; and Cecelia Wallace, Director, Army Community Services Center, Ft. Bragg, NC I got to the…