Facilitating Career Development training can enhance the skills and knowledge of
individuals who work in any type of career development setting.
As a participant, you will receive training in each of the 12 career development competencies.

The training models hands-on and interactive teaching methods and
provides opportunities to interact with colleagues from a variety of work settings. Since
the course content covers 12 important competencies, there is plenty of opportunity to
build skills and knowledge in areas that are new to you, as well as enhance and develop
those that you use every day in your work.

Upon completion of the FCD course, you can sit for the CCSP credential or the GCFD

The Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) and the Global Career Development
Facilitator (GCDF) credentials
require understanding and mastery of the competencies
listed below.
1. Helping Skills – Be proficient in the basic career facilitating process while including
productive interpersonal relationships.
2. Labor Market Information and Resources – Understand labor market and occupational
information and trends. Be able to use current resources.
3. Assessment – Comprehend and use (under supervision) both formal and
informal career development assessments with emphasis on relating
appropriate ones to the population served.
4. Diverse Populations – Recognize special needs of various groups and adapt services
to meet their needs.
5. Ethical and Legal Issues – Follow the NCDA Code of Ethics and know current
legislative regulations.
6. Career Development Models – Understand career development theories, models, and
techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age, and ethnic background.
7. Employability Skills – Know job search strategies and placement techniques, especially
in working with specific groups.
8. Training Clients and Peers – Prepare and develop materials for training programs and
9. Program Management/Implementation – Understand career development programs
and their implementation, and work as a liaison in collaborative relationships.
10. Promotion and Public Relations – Market and promote career development programs
with staff and supervisors.
11. Technology  – Comprehend and use career development computer applications.
12. Consultation – Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants or
In addition to the 12 competencies listed above, the NCDA curriculum also provides
additional chapters that focus on these populations:
o Business Services and Employer Relations
o Clients with Disabilities
o Clients who are Justice-Involved
o K-12 Students
o Workforce and Career Development History