Bye Bye PPP-S

BREAKING NEWS FOR TEN STEPS TRAINERS – Priority Placement Program for Spouses is Over! By Kathryn Troutman, Federal Career Coach, Bobbi Rossiter, MAS, Program Manager Ten Steps to a Federal Job®, June 15, 2018 6/29/18 PPP-S UPDATE: The PPP-S HRO Specialist ARE STILL taking registrations for PPP-S. There seems to be a STOP Order or…

Federal Cybersecurity Help Wanted

Wanted and Urgently Needed: Cybersecurity Pros to Serve Their Country Kathryn Troutman Author, Federal Career Coach® June 12, 2018 Why is the federal government so concerned about hiring more cybersecurity workers, faster? Consider the failure-is-not-an-option stakes: the security of the internet-connected national electric grid; the electronic transactions – measured in trillions of dollars per day…

What’s New with Ten Steps Training

TEN STEPS TO A FEDERAL JOB CERTIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAM What’s new with Ten Steps Training and Federal Employment for 2018? Time to come back and get Recertified ! [button colour=”accent” type=”slightlyroundedarrow” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank”]REGISTER NOW FOR 2018 TEN STEPS CERTIFICATION TRAINING![/button] TEN STEPS CURRICULUM – WHAT’S NEW! New One-Minute Videos that go along with the…