Pre-Course Activities
- Set up and become familiar with a USAJOBS account.
- Add your resume or a virtual client’s resume into the USAJOBS builder.
Ten Steps to a Federal Job®
Curriculum based on the Jobseeker’s Guide, 9th Ed., updated Dec 2021
The Stars are Lined Up for Military Spouses
Curriculum based on the Stars are Lined Up, 2nd Ed.
Ten Steps to a Pathways Internship
Based on the Student’s Federal Career Guide
Creating Your First Resume
Based on the Creating Your First Resume
HR Day Presentation
Based on continuously updated Federal Human Resources, Veteran’s Preference and Unique Hiring Programs
Day 1 – Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Overview and Activities
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Based on the PowerPoint Presentation for the Jobseeker’s Guide 8th Ed.
Opening Questions
- What is the biggest challenge that you face when teaching or coaching federal job search?
- What is your greatest fear of teaching or coaching federal job search?
Introduction / Warm-Up Activities
- How many “hats” that you wear at work?
- Write an important accomplishment and share with your classmates
Ten Steps to a Federal Job® – 9th Edition
- STEP 1: Review the Federal Job Search
Activity: Search the Occupational Standards for a popular series from your classes or clients - STEP 2: Network – Who Do You Know?
Activity: Practice the Job Fair Script
New: Non-competitive hiring program networking techniques! - STEP 3: Research Vacancy Announcements on USAJOBS
New: Search for competitive and con-competitive jobs; new search techniques
New: Understand how Veteran’s Preference is applied to USAJOBS announcements - STEP 4: Analyze Vacancy Announcements for Keywords
Activity: Find keywords for the Outline Format federal resume - STEP 5: Analyze Your Core Competencies
New: Understand core competencies – more important than ever! - STEP 6: Write Your Outline Format and Paper Federal Resume
Activity: Look at your own USAJOBS resume builder and consider what needs to be done to improve the resume with the Outline Format. - STEP 7: KSAs, Accomplishments, and Questionnaires
Activity: Look for an announcement with KSAS and compare with the Questionnaire - STEP 8: Apply for Jobs with USAJOBS
Activity: Start to apply for a federal job - STEP 9: Track and Follow Up on Your Applications
Activity: Follow up on Notice of Results for a virtual client - STEP 10: Interview for a Federal Job
Activity: Practice one accomplishment for the Behavior-Based Interview
New: Negotiation techniques for federal jobs
Day 2 – Federal Resume Coaching and Reviews and Practicing the Ten Steps to a Federal Job®
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Federal Resume Writing Case Studies
Role-Playing – Resume Coaching, Homework Assignments for the Client
- Class activity: Review and discuss before-and-after case studies with target announcement research and analysis, keyword development, and “homework” assigned for the client’s development of their federal resume. The objective is to coach the client to write their own resume and teach them how to match the resume to a specific USAJOBS announcement.
Practice Teaching: Ten Steps to a Federal Job® (Class Activity)
- Participants will teach one step in the class in a 90 minute version of the Ten Steps curriculum.
This is invaluable practice session for future Ten Steps instructors!
Wrap Up & Certification
- Examination & Evaluation
- Certification & Logo Agreements
- Presentation of Certificates
- Summary & Closing Notes
Day 3 - Federal Hiring ... Veteran and Other Hiring Programs ... Who May Apply ... How to Get Best Qualified
8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Charles Clark, Human Resources and Veterans Program Presenter
Veterans Opportunity to Work Act (VOW)
Veterans Preference and Category Rating
- Qualifications/Specialized Experience
- 5 point/10 point/30% vet — Which am I?
Veterans Equal Opportunity Act (VEOA)
Intern Programs for Veterans
- Pathways
- Recent Graduates
Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities for Veterans
- Veterans Recruitment Act (VRA)
- 30% Disabled Veterans Authority
- Schedule A – Disabled Individuals Authority
- Veterans Program Managers/Selective Placement Coordinators
Coaching Strategies for Jobseekers: Practical Application –
Announcement and Resume Analysis – Who May Apply Activities
- Veterans Preference, Schedule A, Pathways
- Case studies of resumes, special hiring program applicants and announcements
- Who May Apply?
- If you are qualified, how to get best qualified with the resume? What’s missing?
- One Year Specialized Lessons
- STAR 1: Learn about Military Spouse Hiring Authority and EO 13473
- STAR 2: Identify Military Spouse positions in USAJOBS
- STAR 3: Find Announcements
- STAR 4: Save a Search for Job Matches
- STAR 5: Analyze Announcements
- STAR 6: Make a List of Keywords
- STAR 7: Write USAJOBS Federal Resume
- STAR 8: Apply for Jobs on USAJOBS
- STAR 9: Follow Up on USAJOBS
- STAR 10: Get Best Qualified AND MORE