Federal Cybersecurity Help Wanted

Wanted and Urgently Needed: Cybersecurity Pros to Serve Their Country Kathryn Troutman Author, Federal Career Coach® June 12, 2018 Why is the federal government so concerned about hiring more cybersecurity workers, faster? Consider the failure-is-not-an-option stakes: the security of the internet-connected national electric grid; the electronic transactions – measured in trillions of dollars per day…

Top Tips and Lessons from Ft. Bragg Resume Writing Class

TOP TIPS AND LESSONS LEARNED FROM FEDERAL RESUME WRITING CLASS AT THE HIRING OUR HEROES TRANSITION SUMMIT, FT. BRAGG, APRIL 26, 2017 By Kathryn Troutman, President, Resume Place, Inc. Left to Right – Daniel Serrano, Ten Steps Trainer; Kathryn Troutman; and Cecelia Wallace, Director, Army Community Services Center, Ft. Bragg, NC I got to the…

Changing Shirts: How to Approach a Federal Career or Series Change

Let’s assume you’ve decided the time is right for a change and have determined you may qualify for a different federal occupational series. You’re tired of your current job’s winter doldrums and wish to move to a warmer career climate. Congratulations on the successful soul-searching and necessary research/consultation. Now it is time to set your plan in motion…