Kathryn Troutman’s Top Ten Accomplishments:

Kathryn’s Top Ten List of Accomplishments
are mapped into the 5 ECQs:

  • Leading Change
  • Leading People
  • Results Driven
  • Business Acumen
  • Building Coalitions

You can see the 28 Leadership Competencies here. These accomplishments would be added to Kathryn’s resume as KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS. These specific accomplishments would be clearly distinguished from the daily activities. To expand the 10 accomplishments into the ECQs, you will have to write additional content for each accomplishment: Context, Challenge, Actions, Results. You can use the RP CCAR Builder to write your CCARs.

1. Kathryn Troutman founded the Resume Place, the United States’ first Federal resume writing and coaching business, more than 30 years ago. Resume Place’s website: resume-place.com, is one of the first 1,000 websites on the Internet from 1996. Resume Place coaches, writes and/or edits more than 2,000 federal applications per year. Leading Change: Vision, Strategic Thinking, Flexibility, Resilience.

2. She is the pioneering designer of the Federal Resume format, created after the Federal government eliminated the SF-171 form in 1995. Kathryn wrote the first-ever book on Federal Resume writing. Leading Change: Vision, Creativity and Innovation, External Awareness.

3. In 2019, Kathryn wrote the first-ever federal resume book for Military Spouses, The Stars are Lined Up for Spouses®. Kathryn designed a resume format for spouses which includes their own volunteer military services as a “job block” to get credit for the knowledge and skills as an Active Duty Military Spouse. Leading People: Developing Others, Leveraging Diversity, Team Building

4. The next edition of the Stars are Lined Up for Military Spouses® will feature and explain the little-known and important 7 Direct Hire Authorities that are available for military spouses – Preferences and Non-Competitive hiring authorities. Leading People: Developing Others, Leveraging Diversity, Conflict Management.

5. The Federal Resume Guidebook, is now in 7th Edition an is the No. One Resume Book in America – in online sales. In 1996, took a $50K risk to self-publish the first edition of the Federal Resume Guidebook. The federal resume format is now accepted throughout government and used on USAJOBS.gov. This book is the curriculum for Federal Resume Writing classes for multiple agencies worldwide. Results Driven: Decisiveness, Entrepreneurship, Problem-solving, Customer Services,

6. In January 2002, Kathryn created the Ten Steps to a Federal Job® training and coaching method after 9/11 created massive interest in Federal positions to help protect America. Results Driven: Decisiveness, Entrepreneurship, Accountability.

7. In 2002, Kathryn created the first-ever train-the-trainer certification> and popular curriculum for military transition and state employment agencies, Ten Steps to a Federal Job® Certification. Developed the Ten Steps to a Federal Job® curriculum, licensed to over 350 Certified Federal Job Search Trainers worldwide. Taught at 150+ military bases as part of the Transition Assistance Program. Business Acumen: Human Capital, Finance, Technology.

8. Kathryn and her training team are busy SES ECQ trainers and writers for multiple federal agencies with their GSA Schedule. Currently Resume Place success rate for Veterans Administration SES ECQ Coaching / Writing is 100% success for the last 2 years. (CPARS narrative) Has trained at 200+ federal agencies as a leading contractor for federal resume writing, KSAs, Resumix, ECQs, and interviews. Clients include the Department of Justice, NIH, Navy, BLM, and USACE. Business Acumen: Human Capitol, Finances and Technology.

9. In 2022, the National Resume Writers Association recognized Kathryn’s “significant contributions” to the field of Federal resume writing and presented her with NRWA’s Industry Hero Award. The Hero Award is given to career service providers who promote excellence, advance industry standards and are passionate about their work. Building Coalitions: Partnerships, Political Savvy.

10. In 2015, Kathryn Troutman and Diane Hudson Burns wrote The New SES Application which has become a popular SES ECQ Writing curriculum with an effective strategy for writing your Top Ten List of Accomplishments to begin the ECQ writing. Building Coalitions: Partnerships, Negotiating and Influencing.

Additional Notable Accomplishments:

Established Resume Place in 1970, initially specializing in law student resumes. Sample resumes are now included in law school career center resume writing guides.

Took a $50K risk to self-publish the first edition of the Federal Resume Guidebook. The federal resume format is now accepted throughout government and used on USAJOBS.gov.

Developed the Ten Steps to a Federal Job® curriculum, licensed to over 350 Certified Federal Job Search Trainers worldwide. Taught at 150+ military bases as part of the Transition Assistance Program.

Has trained at 200+ federal agencies as a leading contractor for federal resume writing, KSAs, Resumix, ECQs, and interviews. Clients include the Department of Justice, NIH, Navy, BLM, and USACE.

Co-authored Resumes for Dummies, serving as designer and producer of the private industry resume samples in the renowned guidebook, now in its 5th edition.


The Military to Federal Career Guide is the first book for military personnel and is now being republished in the 2nd edition to feature veteran federal resumes. Troutman recognized the need for returning military personnel from Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo to have a resource available to them in their searches for government jobs.

Ten Steps to a Federal Job was published two months after 9/11 and was written for private industry jobseekers who are seeking first-time positions in the federal government, where they could contribute to our nation’s security. Now in its second edition.

The Jobseeker’s Guide started initially as the companion course handout to the Ten Steps book, but captured its own following when it became the handout text used by over 200 military installations throughout the world for transitioning military and family members. Currently in its 4th edition.

The Student’s Federal Career Guide was co-authored with Kathryn’s daughter and MPP graduate, Emily Troutman, and is the first book for students pursuing a federal job. With the looming human capital crisis and baby boomers retiring in government, Kathryn and Emily provide a valuable resource for students.

Resumes for Dummies (5th edition) by Joyce Laine Kennedy is currently in its 5th edition and is renowned as the premier, cutting edge guidebook to resume writing. Kathryn and The Resume Place staff served as designers and producers of all the private industry resume samples.