Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments, Independent Agencies,
Inspectors General, and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and
See the new ECQ Leadership Competencies and Titles here in RED:
From: Robert H. Shriver, III Acting Director
Subject: Update of the Senior Executive Service Executive Core Qualifications
I am pleased to announce the release of an updated Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ) model. This is the first major update in over 15 years, and it positions the federal government to recruit, assess, and develop top level leaders for today and the future.
The Senior Executive Service (SES) was established over 45 years ago under the Civil Service Reform Act to create a dedicated corps of high-level executives who would provide strong leadership across agencies. A robust articulation of the qualifications and characteristics required of these leaders is foundational to building and sustaining the cadre, guiding aspiring leaders, providing a framework for selection of leaders, and supporting performance management of existing leaders. In 2006, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) defined these key executive qualifications as ECQs comprised of five meta-leadership competencies, each supplemented by sub competencies, associated with executive-level positions.
Since 2006, workplaces have seen significant changes – including immense technological advances – that have altered the qualifications required for leaders. As a result of this need to modernize, OPM conducted a thorough evaluation of the existing ECQs over the
last year. With the goal of reassessing the qualities and attributes needed for federal executives to lead effectively and successfully, today and in the future, the review sought to identify and assess:
- which ECQs/competencies are still relevant and effective (and should therefore remain the same);
- which ECQs/competencies should be revised (upgraded, replaced, or removed) given the ever-changing environment; and
- which new ECQs or competencies might emerge or require adoption to match the rapidly changing nature of work and leadership, such as data and artificial intelligence (AI) literacy.
The year-long evaluation included a comprehensive literature review, including examining over 55 existing competency models from a variety of organizations, including government, international, nonprofit, and academic institutions. OPM also convened panels with members of the SES from over 45 agencies; surveyed the SES, receiving more than 2,600 responses; and held focus groups with 15 stakeholder groups and individuals, including federal C-Suite Councils and external government partners.
Given the rapid technological change since 2006, the ability to demonstrate proficiency in competencies related to artificial intelligence and data was assessed, in particular, to ensure all relevant skills needed among new executives were identified. The literature review, survey results, and feedback from focus groups provided considerable evidence regarding the importance of both areas.
Updated Executive Core Qualifications
Executive leadership competencies are critical in driving organizational success and cultivating a culture of excellence. As a result of the information reviewed and identified through the evaluation, OPM has updated the ECQs, including both metaleadership and sub-competencies, to reflect the qualities and attributes needed for career Federal executives to lead effectively and successfully, today and in the future.
Updated ECQs based on OPM Memo:
Renamed Meta ECQs | Renamed Sub-Competencies | Renamed Sub-Competencies |
These changes result in an updated ECQ model as follows:
Leading Change | Leading People | Driving Results | Achieving Organizational Success |
Building Coalitions |
Implementation of the updated ECQ model
Each meta-ECQ and sub-competency also includes a detailed definition to provide additional guidance. Following validation of the revised model, these detailed definitions will be released to agencies. The full updated ECQ model will become effective July 1, 2025.
Once effective, acclimation to the new ECQs will require considerable change management within and across agencies. A phased operational implementation of the new ECQs will begin with agency recruitment and hiring (including OPM’s administration of the QRB process), to be followed by the implementation of the new ECQs in the SES Basic System performance appraisal system at the beginning of Fiscal
Year 2026, and updates to SES development during Fiscal Year 2026. Hiring actions initiated after July 1, 2025, must be based on the new ECQs. Accordingly, effective October 1, 2025, SES performance management systems and plans must be updated to reflect the new ECQs.
OPM’s Executive Services and Workforce Development Center will provide office hour sessions, training materials, updated policy documents and templates, monthly updates, and full operational support to our agency executive resources partners to ensure critical and timely information is transmitted and successful agency implementation.
If you or your staff have questions or require assistance, please contact: Nicole Wright, Deputy Associate Director, Executive Services and Workforce Development, at or Danielle Opalka, Manager, Policy and Special Programs, at
Executive Core Qualifications Modifications
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